Concurrent Session (4)


Time Topic Venue

5/16 (FRI)


11:00 - 12:30

Topic 4A: Hospitality Operations
Room H201
Topic 4B: 餐旅研究趨勢
Room H202
Topic 4C: Tourism Management (3)
Room H206
Topic 4D: Tourism Human Resource Management
Room H207
Topic 4E: Tourism Management (4)
Room F201
Topic 4F: Tourism Management (5)
Room F202
Topic 4G: 觀光行銷管理(2)
Room F203
Topic 4H: 觀光人力資源管理
Room F205



Concurrent Session (4) (11:00~12:30 on 16th May)
Topic 4A: Hospitality Operations ( Room H201)
Moderator: Prof. Tapan K Panda, Great Lakes Institute of Management Chennai, India


Utilizing data envelopment analysis for the performance measurement of Victoria Court – Drive-in hotels in Metro
Manila (A015H06)
Melinda D. Torres, Demerlito Tulaylay
The influence of demographic factors on operator attitudes and intentions to use RFID technologies in the hospitality
industry (A039H19)
Wei Yang, Juzheng chen, Rong Nong
The evaluation service quality performance using fuzzy set methodology in service industry (A090H36)
Anirut Pipatprapa, Hsiang-Hsi Huang, Ching-Hsu Huang
The effects of e-learning on economic, social and environmental performance of small and medium hospitality and
tourism enterprises in Taiwan (A101H42)
Marianna Strzelecka, Tai-Yi Fischer Huang
A Survey of practices on responsible selling of alcoholic beverages in selected bars along TImog and Tomas Morato
in Quezon City, Philippines. (A282H100)
Karlo Jay Barra


Concurrent Session (4) (11:00~12:30 on 16th May)
Topic 4B:餐旅研究趨勢 ( Room H202)
Moderator: 郑耀星教授, 福建师范大学, 中国


建国以来饭店业在社会中的角色及其演变——以《人民日报》(1949-2012)为样本 (A174OH65)
美感融入盤飾及其對餐旅課程教學的啟示 (A182OH72)
我国厉行节约政策对高星级酒店的影响分析 (A203OH79)
影響銀髮族乳製品攝取之因素 (A281OC13)
The study on teaching effectiveness and sense of well-being for teachers at department of hospitality and tourism
in high schools and vocational high schools (A285H102)
Yi-Ching Hung, Tzu-Ling Chen
Posters (13:30~17:00 on 15th May)
Concurrent Session (4) (11:00~12:30 on 16th May)
Topic 4C: Tourism Management (3) ( Room H206)
Moderator: Prof. Janet Chang, NKUHT, Taiwan


A comparative study of the pull motivators of Vigan. Ilocos Sur and Taal, Batangas: Vigan as a model heritage site
for Taal (A021T11)
Maria Pamela D. Lopez, Mitchell D.C. Vocal, Denise Julienne A. Castro, Karla Cristina D. Reyes, Ria Elaine D. Cortez
Re-examination of leisure constraint-coping model - a formative measurement approach (A112T60)
Yung-Ping Tseng, Yu-Chin Huang
A brief analysis of integrated quality needed by M.I.C.E. professionals (A250T142)
Ming-hong Ye
An exploratory study of sponsor perceptions on green meetings (A113H46)
Tian Lin
Problems in assessing economic significance of tourism: Common mistakes, inaccuracies and misinformation in
mathematics, models and measurements (A283T169)
Paula Tomsett, Mike Shaw


Concurrent Session (4) (11:00~12:30 on 16th May)
Topic 4D: Tourism Human Resource Management ( Room H207)
Moderator: Prof. I-Chen Monica Hu, Jinwen U. of Science and Technology, Taiwan



Modeling human resources requirements for recreational farms under different scenarios in Taiwan (A020T10)

Teng-Yuan Hsiao, Peiling Sung, Yu-Yao Hsu
Exploring language and communication problems among Asian working holiday makers in Australia (A032T15)
Hayato Nagai, Pierre Benckendorff, Aaron Tkaczynski
The moderating role of leisure participation on job stress and burnout among flight attendants (A103T54)
Teng-Yuan Hsiao, Chung-Ming Chuang
The international experience and empirical study on standards of cruise tourism education (A107T57)
Mei Chen, Junyi Huang
Exploring employees’ development from internal branding in international chain tourist hotels in Taiwan (A191T108)
Jin-Hong Yang, Hsiu-Hui Liu
Concurrent Session (4) (11:00~12:30 on 16th May)
Topic 4E: Tourism Management (4) ( Room F201)
Moderator: Prof. Clark Hu, Southern Taiwan U. of Science and Technology, Taiwan


A study of travel motivation and destination image at the film tourism destination in Taiwan (A055T26)
Yap Wai-Lim, Chia-Chun Ko
Perceived attribute of Taiwanese foods: From the perceptive of the international tourists (A063T29)
Kay H. Chu, Cheng-Wei William Chung
Future development in tourism: Take the ecotourism for example (A086T46)
Zhao Li
Impact of intercultural communication on the cultural intelligence of Filipinos working in the cruise industry
Megan Clare Bocao, Gwyneth Augustine Lee, Ariel Jr. Nunez, Paolo Adrian Ongpauco, Maricar Ramos, Jana Nadine
Taguiang, Maria Aira Taguilaso
Motives make differences for religious festival (A194T110)
Tsung-Chiung Wu, Lin Yu-En
Concurrent Session (4) (11:00~12:30 on 16th May)
Topic 4F: Tourism Management (5) ( Room F202)
Moderator: Prof. Homer C. Wu, National Taichung University of Education, Taiwan


Hotel operators’ perceptions towards voluntary environmental initiatives for sustainable tourism in Thailand
Rosamarin Arunothaipipat, Yueh-Hsiu Lin
The moderating role of environmental challenge on the relationship between specialization toward place
attachment (A169T98)
Wen-Shiung Huang, Sheng-Hshiung Tsaur
A bucket list model for theme vacation planning (A228T128)
Lan-Lan Lee
The relationship among food image, destination image, tourist thai food behavioral intention and revisit intention
of Thailand (A231T130)
Neeracha Kosawantana, Chia-Yuan Hsu, Wen-Yu Chen

Analysis of cross-strait interactive tourism on the perspective of the politics of tourism (A258T149)

Mei-hui Yang, Derong Lin
Concurrent Session (4) (11:00~12:30 on 16th May)
Topic 4G: 觀光行銷管理 (3) ( Room F203)
Moderator: Associate Prof. Te-Yi Chang, NKUHT, Taiwan



基于平台策略的旅游大规模定制实现研究 (A130OT71)

醫療觀光策略聯盟夥伴評選研究 - 以台灣與大陸業者為例 (A159OT88)
黃建誠,陳玟妤,Christy Prawira

高速铁路对区域旅游业影响研究—以武广高铁为例 (A188OT105)


商圈故事行銷對環境氛圍及消費者行為意圖影響之研究 (A240OT134)


大陸觀光客參訪夜市之觀光正、負面衝擊認知、社區依附之關係研究-以士林夜市為例 (A255OT146)

Concurrent Session (4) (11:00~12:30 on 16th May)
Topic 4H: 觀光人力資源管理 ( Room F205)
Moderator: 赵晓燕教授, 北京联合大学, 中国



旅游管理专业本科生专业承诺状况分析——以河北大学为例 (A204OT117)


旅游管理类本科专业国际化人才培养模式研究 (A241OT135)


应用交叉学科背景下的旅游研究生的培养探究 (A245T138)


旅游就业影响研究——以周庄、南浔、乌镇三大古镇为例 (A265OT155)


参展人员的情绪表达对专业观众的交流意向的間接影响研究 (A270OT160)
