Paper Submission

Guidelines for Submission of Full Papers

Papers submitted to the 13th APF must be written in English, should be original contributions and should not have been previously published nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Individual and multiple authors are welcome to contribute.

Papers should include the following major sections & sequence ( no cover page needed ):
Title ( no more than 2 lines of text format ),

Authors’ names and affiliation of the authors

( e.g. present position, name of department, university, country, e-mail address of corresponding author ),

Abstract ( not more than 150 words ),
Keywords ( 3-6 words only ),
Main body( 1.Introduction, 2.Literature Review, 3.Methodology, 4.Findings, 5.Conclusion )


Final paper submissions must be submitted to APF Paper Review Committee along with “ Paper Submission Form ”  via email (email only) before 15 April 2014. Submissions not received by this date will not be included in the Forum Program and Proceedings.

At least one of the paper authors must register for the Forum with full payment in order for the paper to be included in the conference program and proceedings, if no registration record is found, papers will be removed from the forum proceedings and the presentation program. Registration before April 1, 2014 is highly recommended since the host provides an attractive early bird registration rate.



The paper submission must:


Manuscripts should be written in good English ( American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these )

    and free of grammatical, spelling, and/or punctuation errors. Please make sure the paper is thoroughly edited and
    proofread before submission.
  2. All manuscripts should be typed in MS WORD format, single-spaced with one-inch margins, text justified,
    and using 12-point Times New Roman font.
  3. The paper is set at A-4 size. The total number of pages must NOT exceed 15 pages including everything.
    Please use your paper code no. as the name of your file. ex. A002T01 paper.doc.
  4. Manuscript pages should be NOT numbered throughout the paper.

All contributions ( include text, references, tables and figures ) should follow the format and style described in the

    Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association ( APA, 6th edition ).
  6. Tables and figures should be clearly labelled, in the format and style described in APA (6th edition) and suitable
    for direct reproduction.
  7. Indent the first sentence of each paragraph with 1.27 cm and align text left.
  8. Do not use any headers or footers.
  9. Manuscripts should be defined and divided into numbered sections. Subsections should be numbered 1.1 (then
    1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. ( the abstract is not included in section numbering ). Use this numbering also for
    internal cross-referencing: do not just refer to ‘the text'’. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each
    heading should appear on its own separate line.


If the paper submission does not follow these specifications, it will not be considered for inclusion in the 2014 APF Schedule and Proceedings.


Call for Papers


Deadline for submission of abstracts: March 1, 2014. Deadline for full papers: April 15, 2014.
The APF will focus on a broad range of research in tourism, leisure, sports, hospitality, and culinary arts. We are particularly interested in studies that question, construct or deconstruct, and interpret or reinterpret the theoretical and methodological stances informing current research practices. Furthermore, we encourage papers with multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research approaches. The APF invites papers on either completed research or a preliminary report on “research in progress”. The paper has to be authored by a graduate student. In case of multiple authors, the presenting authors must be graduate students who are pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree or a young academic who completed the paper in part of his/her master’s or doctoral thesis. Undergraduate senior students are also invited to submit papers based on research project they may have undertaken in collaboration with their professors.



Oral and poster presentations are now invited in areas including the following topics:
 ● Event Operations and Management
 ● Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
 ● Future Development in Hospitality, Tourism, Leisure, Sports, and Culinary Arts
 ● Hotel and Restaurant Management · Human Resources Management
 ● Global trends in Hospitality, Tourism, Leisure, Sports, and Culinary Arts
 ● Globalization in Hospitality, Tourism, Leisure, Sports, and Culinary Arts
 ● Green and Environmental issues in Hospitality, Tourism, Leisure, Sports, and Culinary Arts
 ● Innovations and New Approaches in Research and Education concerning Hospitality, Tourism, Leisure, Sports, and
  Culinary Arts
 ● Service Quality Management
 ● Social Media and E-Marketing
 ● Training and Education for Hospitality, Tourism, Leisure, Sports, and Culinary Arts
 ● Other relevant topics


Three - YES Commitment

YES, we are looking for papers embracing both industry and academic views. We are particularly interested in studies that bring the managerial problems in the real world to the research practices.


YES, papers which are related to any aspect of hospitality, tourism, leisure, sports, and culinary arts are welcome.


YES, the conference organizer-NKUHT is determined to promote a conference with fun atmosphere in which the sharing of ideas is encouraged both formally and informally.


Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts and posters submitted to the 13th APF must be written in English, should be original contributions and should not have been previously published nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Individual and multiple authors are welcome to contribute.


Abstract Submission

 ● Abstracts (3 pages extended abstracts, typed, double-spaced and maximum 1,500 words, including references)
  should be submitted for the final selection process.
 ● Indicate the author’s name and affiliation only on the cover page. Author’s name should not be indicated anywhere
  in the abstract.
 ● Please submit all abstracts to APF Paper Review Committee by email Please specify
  your research area (Hospitality, Tourism, Leisure, Sports, and Culinary Arts) and indicate on the email subject
  heading, for example, “Paper (or poster) for the 13th APF-Culinary Arts”.
 ● Deadline for submitting abstracts is March 1, 2014. The Paper Review Committee will screen the abstracts and
  advise authors by 15 of March. Authors of accepted abstracts will be asked to submit completed full papers before
  April 15,2014. The best paper reward will be selected based on the full papers.

Once the abstract is accepted, at least one author must register for and present the paper at the Forum. After April 15,

2014, if no registration record is found, papers will be removed from the conference  proceedings and the presentation
program. Registration before April 1, 2014 is highly recommended since the host provides an attractive early bird
registration rate.